Bishop Lee will cycle 172 milesin two days forChristian Aid on Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April.
The challenge is being undertakentogether withhis fellow cycling enthusiast and Wiltshire Bishop, Dr Ed Condry, the Bishop of Ramsbury (Salisbury diocese).
The pair will aim to visit 16 locations throughout Wiltshire on Friday 12th and Saturday 13th April, to encourage support and awareness in advance of the start of Christian Aid Week.
Looking forward to the endeavour, Bishop Lee said:
As well as the physical challenge, we are undertaking a pilgrimage of Wiltshire. This is a journey in solidarity with the poor around the world and a way of thanking and encouraging those who volunteer on their behalf every Christian Aid Week.
The ridewill start from Trowbridge at 8am on the Friday and return there early Saturday evening. Along the way, the Bishopshope to call in on Christian Aid supporters in Warminster, Mere, Salisbury, Amesbury, Pewsey, Devizes, Royal Wootton Bassett, Marlborough, Highworth, Cricklade, Chippenham, Malmesbury, Great Somerford, Swindon, Melksham and Bradford on Avon. You can follow progress around Wiltshire on Twitter with the hashtag #bishopsonbikes.
Churchgoers in these places will provide them with much needed food and drink.
You can sponsor their efforts by following this link.
Today, around 870 million people are desperate for food. Christian Aid works globally for profound change in order to eradicate the causes of poverty. They are part of a wider movement for social justice, striving to achieve equality, dignity and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality.
Christian Aid Week 2013 runs from May 12-18 and is themed "Bite Back at Hunger". This year's focus nations are Zimbabwe, Bolivia and Kenya.
Approximate route schedule
Friday April 12
8am: Leader of Wiltshire Council Jane Scott, waves bishops off from County Hall, Trowbridge
12.10pm: Lunch at St Thomas Church, Salisbury
1.45pm: Welcome by pupils at Amesbury CE Primary School
6.15pm: Mayor of Marlborough greetsbishops at Town Hall
Saturday 13 April
8.50am: Bacon butties at the Croft, St Barts, Wootton Bassett
9.50am: Coffee with Christian Aid supporters at Queens Drive Methodist Church, Swindon
1.20pm: lunch at Malmesbury Abbey Caf
3.45pm: Mothers' Union gathering at St Andrews Church, Chippenham with Bishop Mike
4.50pm: Tea and cakes at the United Church, Melksham. Up to 12 cyclists join the bishops for the last leg, including Mayor John Potter
6.30pm: Welcome event at St James Church, Trowbridge