I have always admired those people who make a long-term commitment to living a healthy lifestyle. Its one of those things that I nearly achieve, but not quite, although ironically, when it comes to eating habits my Type 2 diabetes has actually helped me.
In a recent article in the Metro, some research from Harvard conducted by Dr I-Min-Lee concludes that inactivity causes as many deaths as smoking and that we in the UK are amongst those most at risk. Apparently only 40% of men and 28% of women meet the minimum recommendations for physical exercise (two and a half hours a week for adults).
It is widely agreed that exercise has very positive outcomes in terms of our health.
Well all this is important, but equally I wonder whether there are not lessons here for the development of our spiritual lives as well. Time given to personal prayer, the reading of the Bible, worship with God's people, generous giving, silent reflection, spiritual reading and learning are all spiritual exercises that will keep your soul healthy. In a world so easily distracted, its easy to let these disciplines slide.