Archbishop Henry Luke Orombi has called for the election of the next Archbishop of the Church of Uganda. The announcement came during a regularly scheduled meeting of the House of Bishops on Saturday, 7th January, in Mbarara.
Archbishop Orombi confirmed the announcement in Ntungamo on Sunday, 8th January, during the consecration and enthronement of the new Bishop of South Ankole Diocese, the Rt. Rev. Nathan Ahimbisibwe.
The election of the next Archbishop will take place in June 2012 by the House of Bishops. The enthronement of the new Archbishop will take place in December 2012.
Archbishop Orombi was elected in July 2003 and enthroned as Archbishop on 25thJanuary 2004.
Archbishops in the Church of Uganda serve a ten-year term and must retire by the age of 65 or at the conclusion of their ten-year term, whichever comes first.
Orombis ten-year term was set to expire in January 2014, before he turned 65.
Orombi decided to retire one year early, saying, I want to use my retirement to preach the Gospel single-heartedly. This has been my single passion and I want to fulfill the call while I can still do it.
Orombis tenure as Archbishop has been marked by reconciliation within conflicted Dioceses, infrastructure development at the Provincial Offices in Namirembe, launching a Decade of Mission, streamlining Provincial operations, a serious engagement with youth around the country, campaigns to eliminate child and human sacrifice, and the long-awaited construction of Church House.
Orombi has been a significant leader and speaker internationally, providing encouragement for the emergence of the Global South churches as leaders for Biblical faithfulness within the worldwide Anglican Communion and interdenominationally.
Press release 8.1.2012 from Alison Barfoot