Apply for your FREE contactless device before the 7th September deadline!

Does your church offer contactless giving yet? If not, now is the time to apply for a FREE device before the deadline on 7th Septmber 2022.  

This exciting initiative is part of the national giving strategy of the Church of England, and amounts to over £13,000 of investment by the National Church into our local churches to help introduce new ways of giving. 

Digital giving is increasingly important, as fewer people carry and use cash. A recent survey discovered that half of regular churchgoers have made a donation to a charity online, but only 12% had given to their church online. And over the past five years we have seen more transactions being conducted by debit card than cash. 

This opportunity offers churches a substantially subsidised contactless device, along with support in setting it up and tips for getting the most from it. Applications for devices opened on 25th July and will close on 7th September.

Apply via Bristol Diocese's dedicated page on Parish Buying. You will need to be registered with Parish Buying in order to apply for a contactless donation device if you aren't already. Register here.

To find out more, take a look at this webpage or contact Naomi Buckler via email or telephone 0117 9060100

First published 24th August 2022
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