The Diocese of Bristol has now published the Safeguarding Annual Report for 2018.
This report provides information about the progress which has been made through 2018 and current safeguarding arrangements in the Diocese of Bristol.
"This report (downloadable here) demonstrates that the Diocese of Bristol has developed robust procedures and processes to ensure that the DSSG has oversight of the safeguarding and protection of children and vulnerable adults across the Diocese.
"The data and performance metrics gathered, analysed and responded to by our excellent, professional team of safeguarding staff demonstrate a steady and sustained improvement in safeguarding arrangements."
Mal Munday, Interim Independent Chair of the Diocesan Safeguarding Steering Group
The Safeguarding Improvement Plan was agreed by the Diocesan Safeguarding Steering Group (DSSG) in January 2016. This Plan was developed following the previous years Safeguarding Annual Report which incorporated results of the second Parish Safeguarding Audit. The plan has been added to and revised following the SCIE Audit (2017) and progress in relation to the plan is reported quarterly to the DSSG.
Hard copies of this report have been sent to every parish and member of Diocesan Synod. Electronic copies can be downloaded here.