Anne Frank teaching material

We have produced a range of lesson plans on the theme of Why did Anne Frank go into hiding?

Lesson 1 (History)

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? What was happening around her at that time?

Learning to Learn skill: (Opening Minds P3) I can sort, classify and sequence information

Lesson 2 (Literacy)

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? Learning from a close examination of an extract of her diary.

Learning to Learn skills: (Opening Minds L 1&3) I can listen actively, I can read for information: skim, scan and summarise

Lesson 3 (RE)

Why did Anne Frank go into hiding? Was it because of her religion or ethnic identity?

Learning to Learn skills: (Opening Minds P3 & T1) I can sort, classify and sequence information, I can use evidence to support my opinions

Lesson 4 (PHSE/SEAL)

How did Anne and her family keep hope alive while they were in hiding?

Learning to Learn skills: (Opening minds T4 & R1&R4) I can ask the right questions, I can learn different roles when working in a team, I can show respect for myself and for others

Lesson 5 (Citizenship)

Why did Miep Gies help Anne and her family when it may have risked her life?

Learning to Learn skills: (Opening minds T1, T5 & P4) I can use evidence to support my opinions, I can hypothesise, predict outcomes and test conclusions, I can compare and contrast

Lesson 6 (Art and Design)

How can we communicate the feelings of injustice and fear felt by Anne and her family?

Learning to Learn skills: (Opening Minds L2 & T3) I can communicate for a particular audience and purpose., I can be imaginative, creative and try new ways of learning.

Full details, the lesson plans and further resources can be downloaded from the link below.



Six lesson plans - Anne Frank

Support materials - lessons 1-6 - AnneFrank


First published 12th September 2010
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