Rev Tina Goede, the German Lutheran Minister in charge of St Annes, Eastville visited Uganda in 2015 with the City Deanery. Staying in the home of a Ugandan vicar she shared her host's life for a week. The experience was life changing. Tina writes:
"For my part I was sent to spend six days with Rev. Rose Kaiijra. All I knew about her was her age (she is in her 50s) and that she is the vicar of the cathedral in Kako.
In a nutshell: I had no idea what these six days would be like, how I should find my way. But I knew there were no going home and closing a door behind me if I didnt like it.
That is what I have learned to call being thrown into the deep end…
The minibus stopped in front of the cathedral. When I got off, about to get to know my host, I felt exposed and strangely vulnerable. And I was nervous; Although I was angry about it I couldnt help it. Deep down in my heart there was this prayer: Please God, let everything be fine!
And then I met Rose. And it did not take me long to realize: Here I encounter a sweet-tempered person!
Not long after that I met my host family: Roses niece and her two little children who would spend the week with us. And I was beginning to realize: There is vulnerability on both sides! Letting someone live with them for almost a weeks time, letting them take part in everyday life, without having any clue about who this person would turn out to be thats quite a risk our Ugandan hosts were taking, too!
Here is what I learned about hospitality: It is all about accepting the vulnerability of each other.
As time went by we were understanding each other in spite of the language barrier (the African accent is really quite heavy), we learned to get into a rhythm together, we prayed together giving thanks for the community that made us grow through each other.
Rose treated me as a colleague and as a friend. It didnt matter what culture or what denomination. In the end everything was fine indeed!"