Advice on stewardship in this time of distancing


One aspect of Covid-19 that is in almost every news bulletin is the financial impact that it will have. This impact is and will be felt by individuals, families, companies, councils, charities and churches. You may well have concerns about how the Coronavirus could impact your church and its day-to-day and long-term mission.

Naomi Buckler and Clare Fussell, our Giving and Resources Advisors, have been working on this, distilling all the new information and updating the Diocesan website on a page for churches during isolation. This page is being updated often, so do keep checking back.

In summary, the advice is grouped into five main areas:

1. Keep talking about stewardship as normal - and include 'offering moments'

2. Set up online or regular giving options - it can be easier than you think (Parish Giving Scheme is now setting up Direct Debits by phone)

3. Review income and expenditure, prepare or review your budget

4. Be prepared for questions about legacies and in-memory giving

5. Please talk to us about the challenges you are experiencing

At times like this the topic of cost cutting arises, we understand this and yet Parish Share is still essential as our clergy are continuing with vital, frontline work at this time and the need to pay monthly stipends, pensions and housing costs has not changed.

So let’s work together. We can offer support with financial analysis, new ways of giving, conversations with PCCs, and implementing the suggestions above.


First published 12th May 2020
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