Over the past year, churches of all shapes and sizes have embraced the Parish Giving Scheme (PGS) - and this week sees the 50th church in the Diocese offer this new method of planned giving to their congregation.
Since the scheme was launched here in Autumn 2017 it has gone from strength to strength, and now more than 600 people across the Diocese give regularly to their churches using Direct Debit. As well as significantly reducing the administration of church giving, the PGS improves churches cash flow, automatically claims Gift Aid on donations each month, offers inflation-proofed giving, and is a great way of encouraging parishioners to annually review their financial gifts.
David, Churchwarden of All Saints Garsdon, called it an excellent scheme runs like clockwork, and Gill, Treasurer of Holy Trinity Westbury-on-Tyrm said: I would encourage other parishes to join.
So far, we've seen the Parish Giving Scheme encourage greater generosity across participating churches. Throughout the Diocese, the average weekly gift to churches via the PGS is 62% higher than other planned church donations, with parishioners using the PGS giving an average weekly gift of 23.85 (not including Gift Aid), compared with an average planned gift of 14.74/week across all churches.
To see these benefits for your church, simply submit a registration form (available here under downloadable resources) and youll be sent everything you need to get started.