I wouldnt have taken myself off to church without an invitation church has become an important part of my life....changed my life.... feel I have grown so much. Karen Carter is attending her local church as a result of it building an effective culture of invitation.
One of the best ideas coming out of a 15 year research undertaken by Michael Harvey is that of the invitation cross.
One place this has been used recently to great effect was St Mary Magdalene, Sale. During a church service many people came forward to place the name of the person God had called them to invite on to the Invitation Cross. Following that act of worship, 40 invitations were accepted and 12 people immediately accepted a further invitation to a Christian discovery course and all are now part of the congregation.
I lived in this area such a long time and never did anybody invite me and I never thought I was worthy of stepping into the church.....I wish it was years and years ago.... I finally found a place where my heart is happy. Robbie Murray was invited as a result of the Weekend of Invitation.
The Invitation Cross is still very much part of that church's invitation journey and as part of the Journey of Invitation all churches in the Diocese of Bristol are encouraged to use the invitation cross activity as a catalyst for extending an invitation to people for a special event or service during June.
Download How to ... run an Invitation Cross Sunday
If you, or a church leader in your church would like to receive some coaching with Michael, to explore how you might build a culture of invitation in your parish, then this is available free through the Diocese by emailing michael@weekendofinvitation.com.