As a church family we want to include children, young people and adults of all abilities and needs in all aspects of church life, but the truth is that many of us struggle to make this a reality. As there are many different kinds of special or additional needs, each one, and each individual (regardless of their age) an present different challenges and opportunities! For example, childrens and youth leaders can find it particularly tricky navigating what can be a difficult and complex area; how to be caring, inclusive and supportive to each child, while not losing focus on the needs of the rest of the group.
To help churches and childrens/youth leaders not only understand more about the children they are working with, but also enable them to be more inclusive, two dates in the Autumn have been arranged with a leading practitioner to:
- Provide opportunity to share ideas and resources on how to include children and young people with additional needs
- Explore ways to create sessions that relate and connect across abilities
- Understand the barriers / difficulties working with children and young people with additional needs
- Helpful advice to understand the skills needed to do this work well
The 'All inclusive' workshops will be led by Sonia Maidstone-Cotton, a nurture consultant, trainer and writer with over 25 years experience working with 0-21s. Sonias expertise lies in early years, participation work involving children and young people, supporting children with high social and emotional needs and advising churches in working with children. For bookings please click here or for more information contact Dan Jones on 0117 906 0100 / daniel.jones@bristoldiocese.org.