We are all on a journey of faith; wherever we are on that journey, and no matter how far we have travelled, we are seeking to be Disciples of Christ. To develop and grow in our discipleship we need to be stimulated and challenged in our daily lives by the teachings of the Bible.
Stewardship is a significant part of this growth... and this includes growth for children and young people.
Giving in Grace is an excellent resource which has been used extensively in a range of churches and traditions for several years.
What makes iteven more brilliant is thatNick Harding, children's ministry adviser for the diocese of Southwell and Nottingham, has written ' Money Matters 'a comprehensive collection of giving and money related activities and ideas that can be used with children, young people, at all age worship or as family activities in the home.
Click here to the go direct to the pdfwhich is full of creative ideas to help you talk about money with children and young people.