Youth resource about 'awkward' issues

When looking for bible studies foryouth groupsthe rangeof resources that coverbiblical themes,characters and the basics areprettymuch catered for. However, when it comes to 'those' issues that young people want to discuss options are limited, meaningyouth leaders willsearch the breadth of the internet hopingto findsomethingthat ticks the box.

Why is this? Perhaps its because 'those' issues are quitecontroversial and for many youth leadersit ishard enough to processon apersonal scale, never mind a room withinquisitiveteenagers!So, when a resource is released that tackles some of the most challenging topics, you have to applaud their tenacity and say 'thank you' and give credit where credit is due.

'Seriously Awkward'

is brilliant andcontainssix sessions on some of the mostchallenging issues that young people are facing today. Written by the Children's Society,their expert knowledge has been used to create a resourcefrom a faith perspective thathelps youth leadersunpack key topics such as; identity, sexting, mentalhealth, healthy relationships, and life online, empowering theiryoung people to support themselves and their peers.

And the best news is that 'Seriously Awkward is absolutely FREE!

Just click on this link...

simply provide your email address and the pdfs will be sentto your inbox. Boom!

First published 27th May 2016
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