Many people no longer carry cash, and so it's becoming increasingly important to provide other ways for people to give. One solution is getting a card reader for your church, which works alongside a smart phone or tablet.
With a card reader, your church community can choose the way they want to give money. Whether its via Chip and Pin, or a tap of their card or phone, youre enabling people to give in a way that suits them.
It doesnt stop with donations. With a card reader people can pay for wedding fees, hall hire, concert tickets, or even just tea and coffee.
Following a 6-month national trial, the National Church's Parish Buying service have contracted two card reader companies to provide special deals for churches: SumUp and iZettle.
Spring promotion
Now is a good time to consider getting a card reader, as SumUp Air Card reader is available for just 19 and new joiners can enjoy 0% fees for up to 250 of transactions for 90 days. You have to join between 1 May to 30 June to receive the free transactions.
In order to qualify, you need to:
- Register with the Parish Buying service here
- Once registered and logged in, create your SumUp account by clicking on SumUp link in Parish Buying website
- Purchase the Air card reader
- Activate the Air card reader and start taking card payments.
The free transactions will expire once you have reached the 250 transaction limit and are valid for 90 days after sign up; e.g. if you join SumUp on 15 April, your credit will be valid until 15 September.