Virtual technology is giving a new view of the parish church in Dauntsey.
Wyvern 3D has produced a virtual tour of St James the Great Church, allowing visitors to see around the building from the comfort of their own home.
As well as showing off the heritage of the place of worship, the technology also lets viewers discover more about the regular activities taking place there.
Revd Steve Wilkinson, Rector of the Woodbridge Group of churches, said: "I'm really pleased with the way the virtual tour worked out - it's a step up from previous generations and is really impressive. The Doom Board is something that has to been seen full scale to be appreciated, and like any online experience the virtual tour is only a taster of real life. I hope that it will inspire people to want to visit the building itself, but for those who can't it opens up a new way of checking out family history and memorials from far away.
"Why did we think it was a good idea? To be honest that was Tom [Ridgway, director of Wyvern 3D] asking me if he could do an example scan for the Heritage sector and he suggested Dauntsey because of the Doom Board. I thought it was a cool idea and couldn't think of a reason not to get involved, especially as it would help us promote the church."
Explaining the process, Tom Ridgway added: "The technology that Wyvern 3D uses captures2D photography and 3D data from a building, and automatically stitches them into a complete, immersive 3D Showcase that can be shared on social media, added to websites and even viewed in full virtual reality. The results speak for themselves and churches make amazing subjects for a showcase.
"Creating such an immersive environment gives potential visitors to the church an insight into what they can expect to see while highlighting the many interesting features to be found in the typical parish church. Links directly from the tour can take the viewer to the church web pages to initiate contact and find out more about life in the parish."
If you're interested in exploring the idea of creating a virtual tour of your church, email Chris Priddy, Head of Parish and External Relations.