Thy Kingdom Come is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. What started out as an invitation from the Archbishops of Canterbury and York in 2016 to the Church of England has grown into an international and ecumenical call to prayer.
Thy Kingdom Come and the Diocese of Bristol are committed to enabling every local church to participate, and pray and hope to see transformed communities and lives through prayer.
Our commitment to this extends from our 'Making Disciples in Your Parish' programme where churches are encouraged to develop a foundation of prayer and through participation in Thy Kingdom Come as part of the Journey of Invitation.
Over the past three years more and more worshipping communities have rediscovered the riches of this tradition and have dedicated the days between Ascension and Pentecost to pray Come Holy Spirit.
We are praying that the Spirit would inspire and equip us to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with our friends and families, our communities and networks. It has been amazing how many varied ways there have been in which people from every tradition have taken up this challenge.
Once again this year, every Christian in every worshipping community is being encouraged to join in praying for the renewing and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit. Whether you have joined in Thy Kingdom Come before or not, we invite you to take part this year along with churches from over 65 different denominations in 114 countries around the world.
A wide range of different resources have been produced for use at home or at church; alone or with others; for large events or small, to encourage and equip churches with ideas of how this might work in your own context. There are resources for liturgical services and prayer rooms; beacon events or prayer walks; for families or individuals. They are available to download free at ThyKingdomCome.global.
Inspire and Equip Workshop - all invited.
This special workshop will support church leaders and prayer coordinators as they prepare to take part in Thy Kingdom Come 2019.
Inspire and Equip is a free, two-hour session hosted by the National Thy Kingdom Come team, that will explore simple and creative prayer activities for everyone, including Churches, families and young people that will suit a wide variety of styles of worship or prayer.
Its for anyone whod like to get involved church leaders and clergy, lay people and prayer coordinators from any denomination. It takes place at the Diocesan office on Thursday 28 March from 2pm to 4pm.
Bristol Beacon Event 2019
All are invited to the Thy Kingdom Come, ecumenical beacon event on June 2nd.
Bishop Viv will speak at the service of prayer, worship and reflections.
Doors open at Bristol Cathedral at 6:30pm and the prayer event will take place from 7:00-8:30pm.
The event is free and no ticket is required