There wasa special service of Thanksgiving for Frenchay Hospital at St John the Baptist in Frenchay inJuly.
The service commemorated one of our fondly remembered local hospitals, its staff, their skill and dedication, and its mission.
It was very mucha community event, celebrating the village's relationship with the hospital, how the church had been a host for those looking for comfort and healing and also to value the village relationship with the hospital. The aim was to tell the human story of the relationship.
Here are some of the comments following the service:
"Fantastic service of Thanksgiving for Frenchay Hospital this evening. A wonderful feeling of people coming together to share stories. Good hymns, lovely prayers, and the wish to maintain that tradition of so many people in our local community all working for the good of others, whichwas so much part of our hospital experience."
"Just back from the Thanksgiving for Frenchay Hospital at Frenchay Parish Church. It was very moving, so much to give thanks for but oh so sad too. We were given the challenge to keep on loving, encouraging and working together as a community, supporting and reaching out to those who will. in the future move in to the village. Lovely full church."
"Excellent that the church was able to play such a central role in the life of the village. A great credibility-building occasion with local political figures present and participating. This, together with the events of the Flower Show, is building the influence of the church in the community. Well done to everyone for making it happen."
"Good to note that in the retiring collection 300 was given towards the cost of the Mosaic Cross commissioned for Southmead Hospital Chapel."