Tanya Lord was ordained Deacon in 2009 and priest in July 2010. She is curate of St Matthew and St Nathanael, Kingsdown. She sees ordination as the most recent step in her life of service to God.
My husband Glenn and I gave ours lives to Jesus within a day of one another in South Africa ten years ago. Since then the Lord has takenmy whole familyon an amazing journey, our daughter Mary, my brother, my parents and my in-laws have all become believers.
It took a huge step of faith for me when I was licensed as a Lay Reader in 2005 when I came to realise that the more we release of ourselves to God the more He will use us in building His Kingdom.
The last two years at Trinity College have gone in a blur of fun, friendship and serious study for the three of us. For me, learning to use academic books, otherwise the essays wouldnt get done. For Glenn, cookery books, otherwise we wouldnt have eaten and for Mary, instruction manuals, as she came to realise that clothes don't wash themselves!
One year on, Tanya shares one of the high points of her time in ministry so far.
I have had an amazing diaconate year at St Matthews with a great leadership team to work and learn alongside. One of the many highlights of my first year has to be the privilege of Baptising by full immersion a wonderful young woman who came to know Jesus as Lord on the Alpha course.
I look forward to serving God and the community in and around Kingsdown over the next few years with immense joy.