In an exciting project for Good Friday, St Matthews Kingsdown will be performing a passion play.
The cast is made up of young and old, members of the church and the local community, and includes semi-professional actors. The play begins with a festival in the church garden with some scenes taking place in the church building, and depicts the story of Jesus life and teaching, leading to the events of holy week and finally to the cross. It includes drama, visuals, music, story-telling, food, and a lost coin hunt. The whole play culminates with the crucifixion scene, in Fremantle Square, just along the road from the church.
The play begins at 10.00 on Friday 29th March at St Matthews Church, Clare Road Kingsdown, BS6 5TB and ends at 12.00 in Fremantle Square. All are welcome. Its suitable for all ages. Come wrapped up warm if its cold!