Scientists speak at church during month of science and faith

Science and faith will converge across the four Sundays in January at All Saints Lydiard Millicent this January.

Leading scientists from three Universities and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) in Swindon are visiting the church throughout the month. All are experts in their fields and all have a living faith in Christ. Each speaker will explain how their pursuit of science and their Christian belief complement rather than contradict each other. They will talk in the church's main Sunday Morning service each week at 10.30am on the following topics:

7 January: Professor Keith Fox, Professor of Biochemistry at Southampton, will talk on the topic Great are the works of the Lord, relating his thoughts to his expertise in the study of DNA.

14 January: Professor John Bryant, Emeritus Professor of Biochemistry at Exeter, will discuss 'Making a god of our genes', highlighting the uses and possible mis-uses of genetics.

21 January: Professor Paul Ewart,Professor of Physics at Oxford, will explore Chaos in Creation bringing together a biblical view of God and creation with insights from science to help us understand the role of faith and reason in helping us make sense of suffering.

28 January: Dr Andrew Bourne, Associate Director of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council in Swindon, will bring his own perspective from the work he does across the United Kingdom in funding scientific research. Andrew is a member of All Saints Church.

All Saints vicar, Revd Tudor Vaughan Roberts, said: While many people think that science and Christian faith are incompatible, it has always struck me that, for the last 30 years, each church I have been in has been packed to the rafters with scientists. 

"In Paris, we had the Louis Pasteur Institute and I remember one of the congregation saying, 'The more I know about biology, the more it makes me worship God, and the more I worship God, the more I want to do scientific research'. Here in Lydiard Millicent, within our congregation, there are experts from the Telecommunications and Space industries and Science Research Councils.

For information about the services, visit the All Saints, Lydiard Millicent website.

First published 4th January 2018
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