Welcome to the latest news from the Safeguarding team. Here you will find all the news, resources and training from Adam Bond and the team.
Safer Recruitment
The Safeguarding Team have added some additional templates for role descriptions that can be used and adapted by Parishes within their Safer Recruitment activity. The list of templates is not exhaustive and if there is a specific role that you would like support with please contact the Diocese Safeguarding Team. The safer Recruitment toolkit and other key safeguarding resources for Parishes can be found here: /PSO-resources/
DBS: Basic Disclosures
There are some circumstances where it may be useful to complete a Basic Disclosure check where an individuals role is not eligible for a more thorough DBS Check. It is now possible to access a Basic Disclosure through the CCPAS e-bulk system. Basic Disclosures may be useful in certain situations where a role is not eligible for an Enhanced check but where the role requires (or publicly indicates) a certain level of trust by the church. This could include roles such as home communion administrant, worship leader, lay pioneer, those offering transport to/from church events, Vergers, Parish Administrators, welcomers/stewards, preachers, Spiritual Advisers etc. In addition Church of England guidance often refers to obtaining a Basic Disclosure where an Enhanced is not obtainable, mentioning particularly (in addition to the above list) DBS Administrator, Tour Guides, choir members on tour, Secretary/Treasurer where they are not PCC members and non CofE Visiting Preachers.
There is a cost to requesting a basic disclosure. The fee will be 25.00 per check (no difference for paid or volunteer workers) plus an admin fee which will be 5.00 + VAT.
If you are considering requesting a Basic Disclosure please seek advise from the Diocese Safeguarding Team.