Rt Revd Vivienne Faull, Bishop of Bristol, is pleased to announce the appointment of Revd Canon Dr Simon Taylor as the new Director of Ministry Development.
Simon, who was ordained in Bristol Cathedral in 2002, is returning to the Diocese after seven years serving in Derby.
He said: I am delighted to be returning to the Diocese of Bristol and look forward to being part of Bishop Vivs new team.
This is an exciting role for me. I am deeply committed to supporting ministers in living out the roles to which God has called us, so that we can be confident in the Gospel, courageous in mission and connected to God, the church and the world.
Following his ordination, Simon served for ten years in parish ministry in Bristol, including as Priest-in-Charge of St Mary Redcliffe, before moving to Derby.
In seven years in the Diocese of Derby, he served variously as CMD Officer, Director of Curate Training, Area Dean of Derby City and Canon Chancellor of Derby Cathedral.He also served on the board of Derbyshire Community Bank; as a Governor of Ripon College, Cuddesdon; and as a member of the General Synod.
Bishop Viv said: The development of lay and ordained ministry to respond to the needs of a changing church is central to the diocesan vision. Simon brings his experience of being formed for ministry in the Diocese of Bristol, supplemented by several years of working to develop diocesan training and development in the Diocese of Derby. He is committed to enabling all of us to reflect theologically and prayerfully as we work together for the coming of Christs kingdom.
Simon has published two books: How to Read the Bible (without switching off your brain) (SPCK, 2015) and Imitation and Scapegoats (Grove, 2016).
Married with two children, Simon enjoys Doctor Who, real ale and hill walking.