Bishop Mike and the Archdeacon, Christine Froude, will lead a group of pilgrims on a tour of Sicily next year.
Sicily has been conquered and settled by different peoples over thousands of years: Phoenicians, Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs and Normans have all settled or invaded the island, driven there by its fertile land and its strategic location, giving Sicily an unrivalled cultural identity.
The tour will take in its layers of history, its wealth of architecture, ancient Greek sculpture, churches, palaces and mosaics and we will experience its vibrant markets and medieval cobbled streets, dramatic waterfronts and countryside with its semi-deserted Doric temples. Add to this its spectacular seafood and wonderfully fresh local produce (lemon, orange and olive groves abound) and we are sure to have the experience of a lifetime.
Bishop Mike writes:
"If you want a holiday with a difference, this really is for you. We are very warmly inviting you to join us on a pilgrimage. This is an opportunity to spend some time together in this beautiful part of God's world. Eating together, praying, enjoying each others company, time for reflection and worshipping together combine to weave the rich pattern that pilgrims have established over the centuries.
"Each day will begin with a short thought for the day and a prayer on the coach. During the time there will be a couple of opportunities to share in Holy Communion and each day will conclude with some Bible teaching followed by a short service of Night Prayer. Most of this is entirely optional and to some extent local facilities dictate what is possible.
"The leaders of the pilgrimage will do all they can to make sure you have an enriching and enjoyable pilgrimage."
The pilgrimage is taking place from 5 to 15 September 2018.
More details and a booking form can be found here.