The Church, more than any other social network, employment facility or club, should be leading the way in helping 20-30s find their feet and their faith.
Dr Krish Kandiah, President of London School of Theology
With the new mission shaped ministry course starting in the autumnand two vision days already hosted, the planning group isinterested in engaging with Christians aged 20-40 who are passionate about Church, mission and discipleship.
On Saturday 26September a special evening will be hosted by the Diocese of Bristol and Bristol Methodist Circuit to encourage connections and conversations amongst a key group of people that the wider church all too often struggles to attract and nurture in their congregations.
Planning group member Revd Andy Mason explains, "The truth is, it's not just teenagers who are sadly missing from so many of our churches. Those in their 20s and 30s are often missing too. As Church we need to ask the question, where are they?
"The plan for the evening is simple: over drinks and snacks instead of listening to one speaker, we will all be the speakers with an opportunity to contribute, wrestling over the key issues of the future of the Church in this nation and what God is calling us, our generation, to do about it."
So if you are aged 20-40, interested in discussing mission and discipleship with others, and passionate about shaping Churchfor this and future generations, we would love to see you at Hillside House in Stoke Gifford at8pm on Saturday26September and become a part of the conversation.