The mix between stipendiary, self-supporting and other forms of ordained ministry is changing, as the Church responds to fresh challenges and an evolving world.
Led by our new Bishops' Adviser for Self-Supporting Ministry, Rev Charles Sutton, we have been reviewing the current picture of ministry in our diocese, looking at how we do things here and how it compares with others, and identifying trends and opportunities for the future. A summary report of the key findings, One Ministry, is now available using the links below.
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The most fundamental discipline is discipleship itself, but beyond that come thespecific forms of what we usually call states of life. Ordination is a state,something still pretty general, still needing further precision: there is not oneway of being a priest.
- Archbishop Rowan Williams, Ray of Darkness
Bishop Lee says, "This research isan importantcontribution to our understanding of theministerial resource within our diocese and Ithank all those who helped with the research.
"Most parishes are now served andled by teams of lay and ordained people andthere are as many clergy serving in a self-supportingcapacity as there are receiving astipend. This is transforming the landscape ofministry and mission, providing fresh energy and resources to our churches.These developments bring their own challenges.New ways of working in partnership areemerging and indeed a new culture of ministry.
"Ivery much hope this researchwill contribute to ensuring allGods people flourish and bear much fruit forChrist and God's Kingdom."