Near Neighbours Grant Fund Relaunches for 2017

The Near Neighbours small grants fund, run by the Church Urban Fund, has now reopened with new guidelines. The New Neighbours programme was set up by the Church Urban Fund and the Archbishop's Council with funding from the Department for Communities and Local Government. The small grants programme offers grants between 250 and 5,000 as seed funding for local groups and organisations who are working to bring together neighbours, to develop relationships across diverse faiths and ethnicities in order to improve their communities.

A number of church projects across the Diocese of Bristol received funding for their projects in 2016. If youd like to apply for the 2017 funding round, please contact Clare Fussell Giving and Resources Adviser for the Diocese of Bristol, and regional coordinator for the Near Neighbours fund on or 0117 906 0100

First published 10th July 2017
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