Has your PCC discussed 'Making disciples in your parish' yet?
Making disciples in your parish seeks to resource and support parishes in developing mission and ministry in some key areas of church life. These booklets provide an overview of six ways your church can create connections and make disciples.
A PCC discussion sheet has been provided. It invites PCC's to discuss the six ways to create connections and make disciples, and to consider together what next steps could be taken in the parish to develop ministry further in one or more of these areas.
Dice and explanatory leaflets are available to support the conversations. Email chris.priddy@bristoldiocese.org to request some.
You might also like to consider the questions in the explanatory booklet:
In what ways can your church deepen its foundation of prayer?
How can your church support people to invite others?
What creative approaches to church could you use to engage with families?
In what ways could your church provide opportunities for people to explore the Christian faith?
How could your church develop small groups that encourage people to grow as whole-life disciples?
What could your church do to help people identify, develop and use their gifts?
Look out for more exciting information to resource your Making disciples activity in 2019.