Martin Luther & the 500th Anniversary of the Start of the Reformation Bristol Anglo-German Society is pleased to invite you to hear the Right Revd Dr Graham Tomlin, Bishop of Kensington, talk onMartin Luther & the 500th Anniversary of the Start of the Reformation.
2017 marks the 500th anniversary of Luther's protest, which began the Reformation in Germany. In this lecture, Bishop Graham Tomlin explores what led to this seismic event in European history and some of the key themes in Luther's thought.
The talk, starting at 8pm, will be preceded from 7.30pm by a drinks reception in the foyer of Bristol Grammar School's new 1532 Performing Arts Centre on Elton Road, with a glass of wine or fruit juice included in the modest ticket price (other drinks will be available from the pay bar).
About our speaker:
Having grown up in Downend, Graham's school years were spent at BGS, where as a Lower School pupil he attended morning assembly in the very hall that is now the venue for this talk (known today as The Mackay). He went onto study English and then Theology at Oxford.
He was ordained in Exeter and served there as a curate before returning to Oxford as Chaplain of Jesus College and a tutor in historical theology and evangelism at Wycliffe Hall, where he became Vice Principal. In 2005, he moved to London as Principal of St Mellitus College and in 2015 was consecrated Bishop of Kensington in Canterbury Cathedral.
Graham is also an internationally recognised authority on Martin Luther, having taught on Luther and the Reformation in Oxford for eight years. His published work includes:The Power of the Cross: Theology and the Death of Christ in Paul, Luther and Pascal; The Provocative Church; Luther and His World;the Archbishop of Canterburys Lent Book for 2014:Looking Through the Cross;andLuther's Gospel: Reimagining the World(forthcoming). He is married to Janet and has two married children. He is a keen follower of various kinds of music and sport, suffering alifelong addiction to Bristol City Football Club.
About the venue:
The BGS 1532 Performing Arts Centre(pictured bottom right)was designed to improve and develop the schools facilities for the performing arts. It features a new build auditorium and associated facilities linkinginto the schools existing Elton Road block, including The Mackay(shown on the right).
The entrance to the new combined 1532 Performing Arts Centre is located close to the junction with Elmdale Road. Some limited on-site parking, including with level access to the venue, is available. If you have a particular need for such a space, please let us know by e-mailingbags@gmx.deand we will try to accommodate you.
Otherwise street parking in the area is free after 6pm.