Learning through the Pandemic

Learning through the Pandemic - Diocese of Bristol learning event for clergy and church leadership

Thursday 24 September – 11:00-17:00

Join us as we come together as a Diocese to consider the church and society as we move from a period of COVID-19 pandemic, into a COVID-19 influenced winter and beyond.

We will consider content by Dr Cathy Ross from Church Mission Society (CMS) who will share with us her theological and missional insights thoughts on the time we are in; and by BritainThinks who will provide insight into how society is changing as a result of the pandemic.

Zoom based discussion groups will then enable us to focus on some specific topics and share our own experiences, reflections and insights.

This event will help us to understand the impact of the extraordinary time we have been living few, to come together to share experiences and learn from each other for mutual growth.

This event is aimed at all clergy and church leadership within the Diocese of Bristol with different sessions available for you to join throughout the day.

The day consists of four interconnected elements with space between each segment [This is not a full day on Zoom!] - please join us for as much, or as little of the day as you wish. Please register to receive login details for each element.

Please click here to register to attend: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/learning-through-the-pandemic-tickets-116437600999


  • Keynote input from Cathy Ross at CMS
  • Keynote input looking at the wider context of changes we are seeing from BritainThinks
  • Discussion groups: opportunity to share reflections from the keynotes.
  • Zoom based webinar groups:
    • Mission through outdoor prayer and online Bible study
    • Worship and pastoral care in this new context
    • What does evangelism look like now?
    • How does the church engage with questions of mental health?
    • Food security as mission
    • Partnership with others for strength and growth
  • Evening Praise with reflection from Bishop Lee
First published 17th August 2020
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