The Journey of Invitation has been created in response to requests for practical resources to support the six key practices of Making Disciples in Your Parish.
This resource provides a guide to the significant opportunities in the year for focused prayer, inviting others, and exploring faith, offering free and accessible tools to support these.
This pack, which has been sent to clergy, churchwardens and PCC secretaries, has been produced in collaboration with parishes, ministers, experts from external organisations and the National Church.
Many of the activities supported here will not be new to you and you may already be doing these things or have plans for the year that include them, among others. In other instances, you might choose to make space in place of other mission and ministry activity.
Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon and Sponsoring Bishop for Making Disciples in Your Parish, said:
"This is not a tick box exercise but a way of looking afresh at your church's response to making disciples and finding ways of strengthening these particular aspects of the life of your parish.
"In commending these resources, I ask you to prayerfully explore Making Disciples in Your Parish with your PCC and to make this a regular agenda item."
If you have any questions or would like help or advice, contact Chris Priddy. Please share stories with us about your experiences of Making Disciples - we are keen to hear about what has been fruitful, as well as what has not, so that we might share, learn and grow together.