The pupils had taken part in the iSingPOP project, which had culminated in two concerts at Holy Cross Church during May. But when they discovered that the Rt Revd Lee Rayfield was unable to make either of the performances, they decided to arrange a third concert which he could attend at the school itself.
iSingPOP is a primary school singing and recording project that brings together school, church and community by using the entire school to produce its own pop album. Typically, it takes four days to learn and record the songs, then a week later the children perform them at the local church.
A team from iSingPOP taught five songs to the children, alongside singing technique, performance skills and dance routines.
The songs have been specially written for the project, with lyrics which are written from a Christian perspective and are full of positive content covering values such as friendship, hope, peace, compassion, love and thankfulness.
The Revd Shirley Danby said: " iSingPop is a really great way for the church to partner with the local school and to build better connections with God, each other and our communities. It really has brought us all together.
"We're now using the songs at Messy Church. When the children come in and we are playing them, they all start to sing and do the actions.
"I would recommend it to any church and school to do it together and God will provide the blessings."
If you would like to find out more about iSingPOP, you can visit the website or contact the organisers at south@isingpop.com.