Holy Trinity Church inKingswood played host to a Teddy Bear Wedding in May courtesy of their playgroup CafeTots, and their end of term celebrations.
CafeTots began in September 2012 with just six families. Now the group attracts over 150 families, who have a place to receive support and importantly build lasting relationships. During the Tuesday morning sessions the parents and carers get an opportunity to unwind, while the children, aged under five, enjoy free play, crafts, story-time and finally, Crazicize (thats exercise to you and me).
The leader of CafeTots, Fiona Brown explains, To us our members are part of our extended family and what better way to celebrate that than by holding a wedding style party where families come together.
The unusual concept of a teddy bear wedding originated from the groups recent theme of marriage, and offered a chance for guests to feel relaxed and welcome within a church environment. The stars of the special day were two bears, which were considerably greater in stature than every toddler in the church, and the proceedings consisted of a traditional ceremony and a reception at which the guests were able to dance and let their hair down.
CafeTots aims not just to reach out to Christian families, but to those of all faiths or none, and for many attending the event, it was their first insight into the inner life of a church.
As the group has expanded they have launched the new project, CafeTots Extra, which provides a free lunch for families in need of financial or spiritual support, or simply someone to talk to. Another project which has evolved is Footsteps, a group with an emphasis on Bible study for parents who have started on their journeys with Christ through CafeTots.
The team behind CafeTots are a perfect example of Christians making a real difference at a local level, and following the path that God has laid out for them.