Hilary Blancharde was ordained Deacon in 2009 and priested in July 2010. She is curate of Holy Trinity Horfield. Here she gives us an insight into her journey to ordination.
As a girl I knew I should be a priest, but that wasnt possible then and I didnt have the knowledge or strength of character to challenge it. My life revolved around the church as a teenager. Then came marriage, children, the PCC and teaching.
Then the opportunity came to serve God by working with my husband for USPG the mission society. The privilege of visiting other cultures, working with them and worshipping God in different contexts deepened my understanding. The call to ordination was still there and here I am, apprehensive but knowing that the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of people.
One year on, Hilary reflects on far she has come and how far she has still to go.
Its a year since I was ordained Deacon, and what I have learned is just how much I have still to learn. In that time the dear people of Horfield Parish Church have discovered that I cannot sing in tune very often, that I do make mistakes, albeit less often, I hope. I thank them for their acceptance of me, their encouragement, their love and their humour. I hope they too can feel my love for them and through me Christs love for them. My thanks also go to my marvellous family.
I have been heard to describe my ordination to Deacon as feeling as though at last I was in the right skin, being ordained Priest means, I anticipate, that I will feel that even more and that I will feel that at last God has got me where he wants me.