As part of the Journey of Invitation remote invitational coaching has been available with Michael Harvey of Unlocking the Growth to help leaders to explore what it means to lead an invitational church.
Vicky who participated said It was a very good process and I would encourage others to take it up. She shares her experience here:
Through the coaching process God was nudging me to invite a friend who I had supported as her mother had developed dementia.
It had been normal practice for me to ask God who to invite but with this particular person I was being nudged but I think I was trying to be too gentle and the longer I left it the harder it became.
My fear had been that I had left it so long so would it seem out of place and a surprise for her, but through prayer and determination I overcame that fear. I approached her and said Ive got a question to ask and if you want to say no please dont worry. Would you like to come with me to church for a relaxed family service starting with coffee. She said yes and after attending emailed to say shes coming again. God is wonderful!
Through the invitational process God was reminding me that when he nudges me I need not be afraid on being too pushy and that people do need a personal invitation. I was a bit ashamed of myself for not obeying his nudges earlier and know he has gently reminded me and forgiven me. I do feel that He has restored some confidence that I hadnt noticed I had lost when it came to being invitational and He is encouraging me to encourage others to follow the pattern. I have shared the whole process with my home group and they are now praying for God to show them who to invite!