Vocations Sunday is the day for churches to encourage everyone to reflect, discover and recognise God's call to them. The next Vocations Sunday day is 26 April 2015.
We are created by God in all our diversity. The Church of England rejoices in the diversity of its membership and actively seeks to use the diverse gifts being offered to enhance the Church's mission. God calls us all. What are you being called to?
Revd Dr Emma Ineson, principal of Trinity College Bristol, considers how Jesus called Peter and how this might shed light on how he might call you. Read the article here.
While 26 April has been set as Vocations Sunday, it is simply a convenient peg on which to hang activity around calling and vocations. If it doesn't fit with your church programme, do consider using another Sunday if that works better.
Resources for Vocations Sunday
The Church of England's Vocations Sunday website features lots of resources for vocations services and activities, including small group study material, ideas for sermons and talks, magazine articles and worship resources. Go to www.vocationsunday.org.