a clever new mobile app has been launched by YouthNet to help 16-25 year olds to cope with stress. Stress is a consistent factor in young peoples lives and was recently reported that more than one in ten of young people in the UK often feel too anxious to leave the house, while more than a third often feel anxious about everyday situations.
Whats unique about Stressheads is that not only is the free download is a fun-to-use distraction tool for young people to turn to when they are feeling under pressure, the appalso lets them personify their stress and helps them to better understand how they can deal with it.
Click on the linkfor more info and whereto download the app... www.stressheads.org.
(Please note the Stress Heads website is currently down, to locate the app please search Google Play Store (for Android) or the App Store (for iOS))