Work to restore and give a new use to St Michael on the Mount Without in Bristol will be taken on by Norman Routledge.
Mr Routledge is a successful businessman who owns and has been renovating Kings Weston House. St Michael on the Mount Withouts new use will be as an event space. Ian Johnson, who had initially taken on the project, stepped back earlier this year to give the opportunity for another successful submission to take it on.
The Church Commissioners were impressed with Mr Routledges proposal when it was made last year and have now accepted his offer.
Norman said: I am delighted to be given this opportunity and I am very keen to get the beautiful building watertight, and back into use. I am grateful for the Diocese of Bristol in their assistance throughout this process.
Id like to hear from anyone who has an interest, either in the restoration, or in using the building. Im hoping to have a website up and running very soon to keep people in the city updated on the work which will be taking place.
The former church of St Michael on the Mount Without, which is 200 years old, was damaged by fire in 2016.
The Diocese of Bristol has responsibility for seeking new uses for churches that close for worship.
Oliver Home, Diocesan Secretary, said, "We were fortunate to have some very strong proposals to recommend to the Church Commissioners when we considered new uses for St Michael on the Mount Without last year. When Ian Johnson stepped back a few weeks ago, we were very pleased to approach Norman to take forward his proposal which we were confident would have the support of the Church Commissioners. Norman has shown what he can do at Kings Weston House and we look forward to seeing the building have a new use soon.