It is very humbling to be amongst so many people doing outstanding work in our city. So said Bishop Mike, as the key note speaker at a special event last week, bringing together church networks and faith organisations from across Bristol to celebrate our engagement in local social action.
The event was organised by Cinnamon Network and Churches Together in Greater Bristol to mark the launch of the Cinnamon Faith Action Audit.
Earlier this year,more than 50 local church networks around the country took part in the audit. Its aim was to provide evidence of the very real impact and value of social action being delivered by local churches and all other faith groups, and for them to be externally recognised and resourced as part of the overall picture of provision in any given community.
The event held at St Monicas Trust brought together Bristols faith organisations to hear about the findings of the audit, to celebrate all that faith groups are doing to serve their communities, and more importantly to strengthen the confidence of local churches and that of local authorities, police and other agencies in doing more and working more closely together.
It is hoped that from here, local churches and other faith groups will now take their place as part of the wider scope of recognised provision alongside statutory agencies in both service delivery and strategic input.
As Bishop Mike said, Deep in the repository all faiths is that the belief that problems in society can be fixed with compassion. More than ever our society needs good religion that shows compassion, that brings compassion to our collective response.
We are here today not just to support social action, not just to advocate on behalf of those with no voice, but more than anything to commit to working in partnership together into the future.
For the full event report, please visit the Faith Action Bristol website.