The next meeting of the Diocesan Synod will be on Saturday 17 November at Freshbrook Church, Swindon. This will be a full day session.
This is the first meeting of the new three year term of the Diocesan Synod. It will begin with the election of the Chairs of the Houses of Clergy and of Laity and end with an opportunity to hear from those standing for election to the Bishops Council.
In the context of our worship together, Revd Canon Graham Archer will be licensed as Acting Archdeacon of Malmesbury. Bishop Viv will give her first Bishops Address as President.
The meeting will give attention to three major areas of the Dioceses work: the initiatives to increase the quantity, quality and diversity of vocations to licensed ministry, to establish Mission Areas and the ongoing work of the Diocesan Support Services in support of ministers, parishes and schools.
These areas of work, along with the majority of the Diocesan Board of Finances expenditure related to the provision of parish ministry, will then be the subject of the debate of the 2019 Budget. The Synod is asked to approve the expenditure but the debate will be adjourned to discuss and better understand Parish Share which makes up the majority of the DBFs income and is critical to the way in which we connect with one another in the Diocese.