Diocesan Sustainability Team takes part in Net Zero Carbon Connect Conference

More than 60 people working to reduce carbon emissions across the Church of England gathered in Gloucester for the first time this week to share ideas and learnings.

A two-day Net Zero Carbon Connect Conference, sponsored by Ecclesiastical Insurance, part of the Benefact Group, was held to gather and connect colleagues from 35 dioceses plus other denominations to share expertise on the Net Zero Carbon Programme.

Amy Dartington, Environment and Sustainability Manager, and Kit Connell, Sustainability Outreach Officer from Diocese of Bristol attended the event and Amy gave a presentation on the successes and challenges encountered by the team so far. Amy said: “What a fantastic conference with excellent  interactive sessions. The opportunity to meet and share learning with so many others in a similar role has really inspired and energised me. I now feel part of a hive all working on the same goal!”

The Church of England’s ambitious Net Zero Carbon by 2030 programme aims to equip, resource and support all parts of the Church to reduce carbon emissions from the energy used in its buildings, schools and through work-related transport by 2030. Find out more here: https://www.bristol.anglican.org/visionandpriorities/environment-climate-justice-and-reaching-net-zero-/

First published 14th March 2024
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