'Thou shall not kill' may be one of the Ten Commandments, but a church in Swindon will find itself breaking that command when it hosts a murder mystery evening later this year.
St Augustines Church will be turned into a crime scene as budding Miss Marples and Hercule Poirots aim to solve a fictional murder.
Members of the congregation have enlisted the help of Purton Amateur Dramatics Society to put on Murder at Hill Crest House.
Now the church is calling on members of the community to form teams of up to six people and join them in identifying the killer at the event in May.
The evening will see St Augustines Church transformed into the lounge of Hill Crest House with a cast of characters recreating the 1930s.
Carol Holmes, a churchwarden at St Augustines, said: We've had various different events in the past, such as a comedy night and a fashion show, but we wanted to try something a little different.
We want to put on events to which we can invite the local community. There is always that initial hurdle of getting people into the church itself. If they havent been in a church for a while, people can be very hesitant about stepping inside.
But once they are inside, people always tell us how beautiful the church looks and tell us that there is a feeling of warmth and friendliness here.
Murder at Hill Crest House takes place on Saturday 12 May at 7pm. Tickets cost 10 per person and include supper.