The Diocese of Hereford has announced that Derek Chedzey is to become the next Archdeacon of Hereford.
Derek is currently Head of Ministry Development and a member of the Bishops Staff in the Diocese of Bristol and Residentiary Canon in Bristol Cathedral (Diocesan Canon). He also carries out an unpaid parish priest role as a Self-Supporting Minister in Yate.
His appointment follows the announcement that the current Archdeacon of Hereford, the Venerable Paddy Benson, is to retire at the end of August.
The Bishop of Hereford, the Rt Revd Richard Frith, welcomed the appointment and said: I am delighted that Derek will be joining us as Archdeacon of Hereford.
Derek brings a strong combination of faith, wisdom, experience and enthusiasm. He will be a key person in helping us live out our vision. I very much look forward to working with him.
In his current role, Derek oversees the training and professional development of clergy and Readers.
He said: Im thrilled to be taking up the role of Archdeacon of Hereford and to be working with the people of the Diocese as disciples and partners in the Gospel.
My vision is to see people come to a living faith in Jesus Christ and our churches whatever their size growing and flourishing as signs of the Kingdom and beacons in the world. I truly believe the local church is the hope of the world.
Derek will be moving to Hereford with his wife Claire and it is anticipated he will start in the new role in September.
Rt Revd Lee Rayfield, Bishop of Swindon and Acting Bristol Diocesan Bishop said: Derek is well known across the Diocese and during his many years here has helped shape and deliver some of our most fruitful ministerial initiatives.
Derek will bring a huge amount of knowledge and experience to his role as Archdeacon of Hereford, as well as his deep desire to serve God and His people to the best of his abilities.
We hold Derek and Claire in our prayers as they start this significant transition for them and for us.
Derek will be licensed at Hereford Cathedral in the autumn.