To support our diocesan vision and priorities, we have, for the third consecutive year, undertaken a survey to help us understand parish mission and ministry during the year and better resource parishes in year ahead.
THANK YOU to all those who responded with such informative and encouraging narrative about how our shared diocesan vision is being inhabited in our parishes.
This year 81% of parishes were represented in the Creating connections survey our highest return rate yet.
Encouragingly we have seen:
- A steady growth in parishes rating their Culture of Invitation as good or better;
- Increased attendance at evangelistic courses;
- An increase in the % of weekly service attendees attending a small group;
- Growth in areas of; developing the gifts of God's people, engaging with stewardship and encouraging vocations and positive engagement with church schools;
- Increased attendance at Toddler groups, over 3000 people now attending.
The survey responses help to:
- chart collective progress towards the expectations that the Diocesan Synod has agreed that reflect our Creating connections vision and priorities;
- share best practice examples of mission and ministry across the Diocese;
- ensure that Diocesan Support Services offer appropriate practical support to parishes.