Connections: Lent Course

Small groups are a great chance in the life of the church for people to share the opportunities and challenges they face in following Christ in all of life.

They can provide a mix of reading the Bible and praying together; supportive and challenging relationships; and space to share experiences that brings faith and real life together.

Members of the churches in Bybrook gathered together in a small group to take part in the Lent course earlier this year.

At each session, 12 people used this resource produced by the Diocese to work through the course and to share their ideas. Alison Flint, LLM with the Bybrook team, said the group had enjoyed studying the Bible together.

Alison said: "With a smaller number of people, you are able to focus on the needs of the group. We are also able to consider things in more detail.

Everybody trusted one another and gave their honest thoughts on each part of the course we are studying.

Everyone has their own point of view and was able to bring something different to the group. It made them think about things differently.

"It was a very interesting course and we had some very interesting discussions. I would recommend similar courses to other churches."

What next?

  • Disciplekit offers a variety of discipleship resources for groups from different publishers, all reviewed and rated to save you time. The website has links to resources aimed at adults, youth and children - for those who are enquiring about Christianity, beginning the Christian journey, or growing along the way:
  • The 'Creating connections' discipleship course is now available to download.
First published 5th May 2017
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