Livability is inviting churches to mark out 8 September for Ability Sunday a special day for our communities.
Ability Sunday is about running a day of inclusion and participation in your community, with special consideration for the needs of disabled people. It provides a moment to reflect on whether your church could be more welcoming to disabled people and their families and care workers.
The theme for 2019 is based around Psalm 139.
The Bible speaks powerfully of God's love for us. From the beautiful words of Psalm 139, which highlight God's intimate knowledge and care for every individual He created, to the examples of Jesus life and his commandment for us to love one another.
Whatever our circumstances or abilities, everyone is unique to God. We all have our own talents, strengths, skills and personalities. How will you share your gifts during Ability Sunday?
How to get involved
Its by celebrating peoples unique gifts that churches and communities become richer by involving everyone.
It is our hope that every member of your church family (whatever their age or ability) can take part in Ability Sunday this year, finding opportunities to use their own gifts, to share them in helping others and to encourage others to discover and use their own unique gifts.
Next steps
If you've registered for a pack and are ready to sign up as an official Ability Sunday church please do that by clicking here.
And if youre planning is already underway, wed love to hear about it.