Bristol Diocese is thinking seriously about creation care. We've formed a Diocese Environment Group; we've signalled our commitment to be an Eco Diocese and were seeking to connect with the parishes to find out what God is already doing in this important area of mission.
You are invited on Saturday 14 April to explore with us and Rt Revd Nicholas Holtam, Bishop of Salisbury and Church of England lead on the environment, what God has to say to us about sustainability and mission.
Canon Professor Martin Gainsborough, chair of the Bristol Diocese Environment Group said: We realise that people are at different stages on a journey in terms of understanding the challenges facing God's planet and responding to them. Wherever you are on that journey, wed love you to join us for a fun day of stimulating talks, theological reection and discussion. Be part of something bigger!
Further details and register for the day.
Speakers include Rebecca Boardman (USPG), Martyn Goss (Exeter Diocese), David Morgan (St Johns Wimborne, Eco Church) and members of Bristol Diocese Environment Group.