Rhythm of Life 2 - February

"The key to meditative and contemplative prayer is to commune with the Divine Presence with your whole being. Centring ourselves through breathing techniques enables this. It is a prelude to what has become known as ‘Centring Prayer’."

Welcome to February's tasters.

Psalm 46.10 calls us to be still and know that He is God. Rest and stillness is an important part of a spiritual rhythm of life. This month the focus is on ways to shut out the noise of life so that we can be still in God's presence and learn to listen to Him.

James's video is a wonderful example of how a rhythm of life can result in a deeper relationship with God and better mental health. So let's make space for God this month. 

So, time to begin. 

Doing - Get stuck in

In this section you can download simple, clear instructions on how to get started:

Breath prayers

Listening to God

Using a Holding Cross

Watching - Learning from others


We've asked people to try out some of practices to share their experiences of how they have helped them to connect with God in new ways:

James Spratt Davies tried out breath prayers for a month, He shares what he did and how God has changed his life though the experience.

Andrew Clark shares a spiritual practice that has meant a great deal to him for many years. It has helped him to focus and be still in the presence of God.

Homa, an Iranian Christian living in the Diocese shares why her holding cross is so important to her

Learn more about how to use a Holding Cross

Going Deeper - take a journey into silence:

Start the month learning and practicing simple breathing techniques to help you still your body. Each week you will build on what you have learned, exploring forms of contemplation and meditation.

Praying through breathing

Further resources and links

Elsie Briggs House of Prayer is based in Bristol and every week offers the opportunity for people to come and join in spending an hour and a half in centering prayer.

Wednesdays: 7.15 - 8.45 pm

For details call Jacqueline on 07986 029837 or visit their website.

A Guide to Centering Prayer with instructions and background by Lindsay Boyer

Centering Prayer Guidelines from John Hamlett

The School of Contemplative LifeIs a twice weekly meditation practice in the Christian tradition run by Chris Whittington. 

He runs many retreats both in person and online too. Every week he facilitates an online free meditation practice with a short talk followed by a period of silence . Wednesday evenings 8-8.45pm and Saturday mornings 8.30am -9.30am. Anyone following the above link can send him an email and then they will be sent the Zoom link. It is highly recommended especially for those new to the practice.

A Sound of Sheer Silence: Silent Prayer: Revd Richard Carter offers a beginners guide to contemplative prayer. Recommended by Nicola Stevenette


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