Rhythm of Life - April

"Wonder - awareness of the Divine begins with wonder."

Welcome to your tasters for April.

Psalm 27.4 'One thing I ask from the Lord, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze on the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple.'

This month you are invited to explore how wonder, mystery, awe and worship can deepen your own faith in God. 

So, time to begin. 

Doing - Get stuck in

In this section you can download simple, clear instructions on how to get started:

Learning to wonder

Watching - Learning from others

We've asked people to try out some of practices to share their experiences of how they have helped them to connect with God in new ways:

Anne Marie Tuck shares how she uses art journalling to lead her into worship and wonder at the goodness of God.

Rachel Newton explains how walking in nature helps to quieten her and how God speaks to her through the wonders of his creation.


Going Deeper - Explore the depths of wonder:

Start the month reflecting on the holiness of creation, exploring what it means to be aware of God in daily life. Explore how the natural rhythms of life can shape our spiritual rhythms:

A month with Heschel


Further resources and links



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