Stephen is also Chair of Governors at Bristol Cathedral Choir School (BCCS) and Cathedral Primary School, and until recently Chairman of the Quartet Community Foundation.
Congratulating him today, BCCS Principal Neil Blundell said the award was richly deserved, reflecting the many years of outstanding contributions he had made to Bristolschools.
NeilBlundell says,Stephen has been involved with the school here for more than 50 years and we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to him. Quite simply, without Stephens dedication and determination, the senior school would not be the success it is today. He played a key role in transforming it into an Academy and subsequently in bringing our major building programme to fruition.
StephenParsonssays,This is a huge honour and I was very surprised. It should really be seen as a recognition of the work of all the unsung heroes who work so hard at the schools and at Quartet Community Foundation.