This unit explores aspects of the person, life and teaching of Jesus and how they relate to Christian life, practices, celebrations and the pattern of Christian festivals. The 10 lesson plans are intended to provide a set of learning activities for a Year 4 class (or may be adapted for a Y3 class). Teachers may decide to cover the Christmas and Easter aspects at the appropriate times in the year.
This sample scheme will support pupils to learn how to listen attentively, talk clearly and confidently about their thoughts, opinions and ideas (Literacy), investigate and communicate (learning and thinking skills) and work collaboratively towards common goals (social skills). The scheme is designed to fit Key Stage 2, Unit of the Awarenss Myster and Value locally agreed syllabus. It was written by Katy Staples (Advisor to Bristol SACRE) and Sue Thompson, (AST and Y5 teacher at Elmlea Junior School, Bristol).